Adaris vibrational acoustic homeopathy

You can buy experimental Laser system for experiments in Wave Genetics and Torsion fields. Creation on their basis of individual meditative musical programs. We also translate into the melody the sequenced sections of genes, thereby producing Music of DNA.

ADARIS Laboratory Development of methods and equipment for vibration medicine.

Adaris vibrational acoustic homeopathy

Sound has enormous power.
This story is about the birth of a new direction in medicine.
Vibrational acoustic homeopathy.
We are all made up of vibrations. Our world and our universe is music.
In the beginning was the Word – the first line of the Gospel of John (New Testament).

Each molecule has its own unique molecular weight and creates its own unique vibrational music.
Just like the cells of our body. Each organ in our body plays its own unique vibrational music.
Having learned to correctly read this vibrational musical matrix, we will be able to influence our body. and even learn how to program stem cells non-invasively.
Today I will introduce you to unique research results.
Made by various groups of independent researchers around the world.

Programming stem cells through a sound matrix.
universal fundraising organization.
Researchers used laser equipment to count the vibration matrix from living cells of the nascent heart.
Next, this acoustic matrix was fed through ordinary speakers to the stem cell culture, and after 2 weeks they turned into heart cells.
In those cells from which the vibrational musical matrix was initially read.

This is a human heart cell. By reducing the pulsation, this sensor makes records in the form of drawings.
This is a vibration code. We can listen to the sound created by this frequency.
When this sound was turned on, undifferentiated human stem cells became pulsating heart muscle cells after two weeks.
These are cardiac muscle cells taken from human stem cells. They became absolutely identical to the original myocardial cells for that vibration.

Non-invasive regeneration of pancreatic cells in rats.
Research group of Peter Garyaev.

Any substance that is present there in the laser beam.
Information is read from it. Here is a piece of quartz, I insert it under the laser beam.
I expose and adjust the laser beam in a certain mode and we get sound generation.
Now there is a clear signal. So I block the laser beam and the sound disappears. I open it and the sound modulation returns.
What is the result of sound? Is this how information is transmitted? YES. Yes.
In this case, if there was not a quartz crystal, but a blood sample.
We would receive a transfer of this information to a person.
If the person is a relative of the donor of this blood.
He receives corrective information.
Healthy blood of a newborn child, and the recipient is ill, it corrects his health and even slows down his aging.

A group of researchers used laser equipment to read a vibration wave matrix
From a live culture of pancreatic cells taken from newborn rat pups.
Next, this vibration audio matrix containing information about the healthy state of pancreatic cells is applied.
they exposed sick adult rats with damaged pancreas to this audio matrix.
After a week of the experiment, most of the rats recovered.
After autopsy of the rats, regeneration of the damaged pancreas was discovered.

DNA teleportation experiment.
Luc Montagnier’s research group.

In his experiments, Luc Montagnier captured a vibrational electromagnetic field from DNA molecules or blood cells of infected HIV patients.
By digitizing the resulting spectra, they turned into audio files similar to matrices containing electromagnetic vibration information about cells.
Then, through a conventional audio amplifier, an electromagnetic audio matrix read from DNA samples with a given sequence was supplied to a solenoid with a test tube of pure distilled water.
And thus they managed to conduct an experiment on DNA teleportation in a non-invasive way.

ADARIS Laboratory
Development of methods and equipment for vibration medicine.

We develop equipment capable of recording the unique vibrational music of cells or biomacromolecules.
In 2023, we were able to recreate equipment capable of recording the smallest nanovibrations of biomacromolecules and translating this information into sound in real time.
This makes it possible to create various nanovibration matrices from various drugs.
For example, what do trehalose molecules sound like in an aquatic environment.
This is the trehalose vibration matrix created in the Adaris laboratory.

The second direction in our developments is improvements
MBER laser spectrometer for creating so-called Garyaev matrices from various biomacromolecules.
Success was achieved in obtaining very pure and high-quality matrices using Garyaev’s technology.
A user-friendly software allows you to visualize the recorded spectra in real time, which simplifies laser setup. And the creation of matrices from various drugs or chewing cells.