Stages of laser manufacturing for wave genetics experiments 2023

You can buy experimental Laser system for experiments in Wave Genetics and Torsion fields. Creation on their basis of individual meditative musical programs. We also translate into the melody the sequenced sections of genes, thereby producing Music of DNA.

The first thing to start with is to find a helium neon tube emitter. It contains special polarization characteristics.
This emitter is very rare and very difficult to find, it takes a long time to find. At the moment on 7.9.22 I’m in search for new he-ne laser tube.

Stages of laser manufacturing for wave genetics experiments 2023 1

Find he-ne laser tube This stage has been NOT Completed!

Updates 5.10.23
he-ne laser tube from 20.10.22 defective and didn’t pass the tests
he-ne laser tube from 17.4.23 defective and didn’t pass the tests
he-ne laser tube from 8.6.23 defective and didn’t pass the tests

The search for a new he-ne laser tube emitter is underway

Production of a laser controller. Completed

Production of a metal stand for an optical table with an adjustment mechanism for a mirror. Completed

Final equipment check and testing. NOT Completed


This year closed with a failure due to the impossibility of finding a rare helium neon laser emitter.
3 helium neon emitters were purchased but they all failed and did not work correctly.