The first thing to start with is to find a helium neon tube emitter. It contains special polarization characteristics.
This emitter is very rare and very difficult to find, it takes a long time to find. At the moment on 7.9.22 I’m in search for new he-ne laser tube.
Find he-ne laser tube This stage has been NOT Completed!
Updates 5.10.23
he-ne laser tube from 20.10.22 defective and didn’t pass the tests
he-ne laser tube from 17.4.23 defective and didn’t pass the tests
he-ne laser tube from 8.6.23 defective and didn’t pass the tests
The search for a new he-ne laser tube emitter is underway
Production of a laser controller. Completed
Production of a metal stand for an optical table with an adjustment mechanism for a mirror. Completed
Final equipment check and testing. NOT Completed
This year closed with a failure due to the impossibility of finding a rare helium neon laser emitter.
3 helium neon emitters were purchased but they all failed and did not work correctly.