You can buy experimental Laser system for experiments in Wave Genetics and Torsion fields. Creation on their basis of individual meditative musical programs. We also translate into the melody the sequenced sections of genes, thereby producing Music of DNA.

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It is known that the better studied any area, the more unambiguous and predictable result it is possible to obtain. And vice versa, the more unaccounted for factors, the more the result depends on the art of the master and the circumstances. From this point of view, modern sound technology presents a blatant contrast to related fields, such as video technology, and this contrast can be briefly described as the primacy of art and craftsmanship over scientific predictability and technology. This clearly shows the presence of unknown factors, both in the phenomenon of sound perception itself, and in technical devices for sound reproduction.


The analysis leads to the conclusion that most of the available facts and paradoxes of sound reproduction can be easily interpreted using the concept of so-called torsion interactions. In addition, using the same concepts, you can develop a number of recommendations that are equally useful in audio technology and in other areas, for example, in the culinary arts.


For this, first of all, it is necessary to consider the mechanism of torsion interactions. In general, a rather dense mystical fog has arisen around the concept of torsion interactions. Moreover, theories that postulate “torsion fields” do not add clarity. As a rule, they explain something incomprehensible even more incomprehensible. And, besides, modern science is quite thoroughly bogged down in the very definition of the field as a mechanism of interactions. As a result, for example, it is still not possible to combine the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Fortunately, for our purposes, there is no need to plunge into the abyss of scientific theories and it is quite possible to get by with fairly transparent representations from classical Newtonian mechanics in the volume of high school.


All further constructions will be based on the law of conservation of the angular momentum, in particular, one of the consequences of this law, which is formulated as follows: “Any change in the angular momentum caused by the impact on a rotating body is instantly applied to the suspension point or fulcrum of the rotating body.” This seemingly harmless statement, when carefully examined, not only leads to absolutely incredible consequences, but also is a serious test for the minds of first-year students of technical universities. The latter is due to the fact that students are also proved, by demonstrating the corresponding experience, flavored with mathematical balancing act, the fact of absolute instantaneousness, and as a consequence of the complete inertia (without quotes) of forces and displacements acting in the system, arising relative to the point of support or suspension. We will leave a detailed consideration of this phenomenon inquisitive, as well as an analysis of the psychological phenomenon on the topic of Buridan’s donkey. For which, at first, the limiting speed of interactions is postulated, equal to the speed of light, and then an experiment is shown in which a flywheel fixed at the opposite end of a long rod IMMEDIATELY reacts to the emergence of forces applied to the opposite end and upsetting the equilibrium of the system. As a result, the entire massive structure, again instantly and without inertia, begins to move relative to the fulcrum (relative to the axis of additional orthogonal rotation), and when the disturbing force is removed, it also stops instantly and without inertia.


We are talking about instant interaction, and not about the propagation of a transverse or longitudinal mechanical wave. In addition, without attracting rather exotic additional assumptions, mechanical waves cannot create such an orthogonal and “unsupported” force. Here it is necessary to refer to some theoretical concepts (and experimental data) in Physics. The law of conservation of angular momentum is considered as fundamental and is associated with the isotropy of space with respect to rotations (similar to the law of conservation of momentum). Accordingly, like any law describing fundamental symmetries (in this case, invariants under metric transformations, a particular example, Einstein’s theory of general relativity, where the invariant is the speed of light), this law does not imply the “speed” of its fulfillment, i.e. it runs instantly. There are known experiments related to the verification of such instantaneousness (for example, in quantum mechanics), showing that neither the distance nor the finiteness of the speed of propagation of signals affects the “speed of fulfillment” of conservation laws in closed systems. It should only be borne in mind that for rotations this provision concerns precisely the precessional rotations.


Here we will consider only some of the conclusions that follow from these facts:

  1. Since everything in the world around us consists of rotating bodies, including elementary particles, atoms, Stars and Galaxies, such an instantaneous and inertial mechanism for the transfer of forces and interactions is universal and is inherent in all physical systems without exception.
  2. Since the “suspension point” or “fulcrum” can serve as both elastic and gravitational forces, then for all physical systems and in all cases without exception, along with the “usual” interactions, interactions caused by torsion forces are observed, commensurate with “Normal” in size and work performed. As a result of such interactions, forces appear in systems that lead to additional precessional rotations either relative to the points of “support” or relative to the center of mass. So, from a harmless fact and experimental evidence of the law of conservation of angular momentum, a rather fantastic picture of the universe follows. In which the impact on a rotating object in any, arbitrarily remote part of the Universe due to the participation of all its components in the general round dance of rotations will instantly and inertialessly respond to absolutely all atoms and rotating bodies in the form of response modulations of their own momentum. Obviously, it will respond differently to everyone. Here the spatial configuration of the system of interacting objects, orientation, frequency and participation in other movements will matter.

The idea of ​​an instant redistribution of torsion forces all over the Universe at once, at first glance, leads to the conclusion that, as a result, the force of interaction should dissipate and will tend to zero. However, the energy of interaction and the gradient of forces at a distance R depend only on the geometry of the “field” and do not depend on the speed … or the instant of interactions.
From this point of view, any proton that exists long enough also already interacts with the charges of the entire Universe. With the difference that in the case of an electric charge (proton), modern field theories lead to a paradox, since the field energy (the total energy of virtual photons, field carriers, which in this case becomes infinitely many) should be equal to infinity, and this paradox is still insoluble … Specifically, for torsion interactions, the dependence of the magnitude of the force on the distance is likely to vary within wide limits, since the presence of spatial anisotropy of matter leads to the anisotropy of torsion forces (without comment, which is primary). Moreover, any rotating object (torsion) interacting with the surrounding world, not only gives up its own moment, but also acquires it, which leads to an arbitrarily long preservation of the direction of rotation relative to this world, i.e. this phenomenon becomes possible in the case of instantaneous interaction and is a direct proof of it.


Nevertheless, this does not change the essence of the matter, since in all cases instantaneous and without “damping” torsion interaction will be observed, independent of distances and the speed of light!


Despite the brevity of the proposed theoretical grounds, which is not at all the result of the triviality of the question, for our purposes these provisions are still quite sufficient. (A more detailed analysis will require the involvement of detailed ideas about the metric properties of space, etc., etc.). A significant addition that the author will make on his own behalf is a more adequate name for such an interaction. In what follows, torsion interactions will also be called vector-frequency interactions, since they are based on frequency modulation of the angular momentum or vector.


Accordingly, it will be enough to adhere to the following general concepts.

First, if in some object connected rotating elements, for example, molecules, have a generally chaotic distribution of directions of rotation, then the total force of the vector-frequency action of such an object will be equal to zero, or, which is the same, the total vector-frequency potential of the object as a whole will be is zero. Further, if some groups of molecules, the object itself or a part of it have preferential directions of rotation, then the object will acquire the corresponding vector-frequency potential.


Such a potential can persist for a long time and is dissipated due to chaotic interactions with other torsions, for example, due to thermal motion. All this allows, as in the case of an electric charge, to talk about a vector-frequency charge, and, accordingly, torsionally neutral or torsionally charged bodies and systems.


In order for a torsionally neutral object to acquire a corresponding charge, at least two conditions are required. First, it must have an elastic or gravitational connection (common center of rotation) with systems that already have a corresponding potential, which reflects the principle of vector-frequency induction. And second, a vector-frequency resonance must exist between the state of the object and the external influence, which reflects the principle of correspondence or similarity.

  • From this point of view, we are all participants in a common rotation on Earth and this determines the unity, similarity and instant connection of all elements on the planet and in the solar system. There are serious studies that not only confirm these provisions, but also allow them to be used in an applied sense. (“Questions of modeling geocosmic connections” Proceedings of the scientific center “Ecoprognosis”. Issue 1 / RAAS. Siberian Branch Novosibirsk, 1996)
    Finally, if we consider the corresponding forces and the total energy that a substance can store in the case of complete ordering of vectors (rotations), then there is an opinion that this energy will be equivalent to the known E = MC2. Accordingly, inertial mass and gravity, then there is nothing else but a direct consequence of vector-frequency interactions in a torsionally coupled Universe. Accordingly, these same phenomena of metric long-range action are the “environment” that carries all other interactions or is a legendary and elusive (since there is nothing to catch …) ether.
    Vector-frequency resonance naturally corresponds to ordinary resonance for frequency interactions, with the difference that it also depends on the directions of rotation of the interacting elements, and in general form on the total accelerations of the centers of mass and the spatial configuration of the system. This leads to the fact that at one frequency there can be infinitely many different “transceivers” that do not interfere with each other, differing only in the vector.

Obviously, the vector-frequency potential, in addition to the power component, has a pronounced information component. Since, it is able to reflect information about the spatio-temporal configuration and spectrum, which physically ensures the transfer of the internal state from one object to another. It is this aspect, along with all of the above, that is decisive in the context under consideration. From this point of view, a biological object, for example a person, differs from the amorphous sum of chemical ingredients in that it is a process that is sufficiently ordered in space and time, or that, too, is an object with a pronounced vector-frequency charge of a complex spectrum.


One of the areas of modern technical activity, where vector-frequency interactions are quite visibly manifested, as already noted, is audio technology, which is associated with the specifics of acoustic vibrations, which, being a mechanical compression wave, effectively transmit torsion components. Apparently, this is the reason that “hearing” distinguishes extremely fine gradations of acoustic influences. The latter, from the point of view of thermodynamics, comes into clear contradiction with the capabilities of auditory analyzers.


In this vein, we can consider the chain of sound recording and sound reproduction, usually consisting of the following links: Artist – Acoustic environment – Microphone – Electronic path – Information carrier. And then, in reverse order, when the Performer is replaced by the Listener, and the Microphone is replaced by the Loudspeaker.


Let’s start with the Contractor. All people are different, and some Performers have the necessary vector-frequency potential, while others do not, and this is easily distinguished by the Listeners. The potential is especially evident when the performer does not have enough external technical data, for example, vocal. There are many famous “voiceless” singers in history, “not able to draw” artists, and so on.


Suppose we have an ideal Performer, whose form and content coincide, or in our case, has a significant vector-frequency potential in the corresponding directions and spectra. As soon as we place such a Performer in the studio, even before he opens his mouth, he begins to intensively torsionally interact with everything that surrounds him, including the premises, equipment and personnel.


Indeed, for such an interaction, a simple mechanical connection through solid surfaces is quite sufficient. If we consider a chain of interacting atoms and molecules, then as a result of torsion interaction, a torsion current will “flow” along such a chain, and since each next element of the chain is the “fulcrum” of the previous one, the transmission of the modulating force will occur instantly. This is how the first component of the vector-frequency interaction “begins” to act, which is instantaneous and, in principle, can be transmitted to any distance without attenuation. In what follows, we will call it component A.


It is she who is responsible for the so-called “presence effect” or for the formation of various types of phantoms that can be detected with the help of some devices such as litron * (, or determined by the abnormal behavior of the equipment, unlikely “accidents” and the operator’s influence on the devices. (Monograph by Hans Eysenck and Carl Sargent, Explaining the Unexplained. © Hans J. Eysenck and Carl Sargent, EXPLAINING THE UNEXPLAINED, 1982, 1993 & 1997) Based on the approach proposed here, the principle of operation of the polytron can be represented as follows: A torsion signal arrives at the electrode (preferably aluminum as having a “short vector-frequency memory” see below), which should imply direct mechanical contact, and in the case of contactless measurement, relatively large “receiving” surface of the electrode and a certain spatial configuration. Then, mainly in a mechanical form, the signal is transmitted to the entire system as a whole, and the electric potential, in this case, is a hindrance. Further, the signal goes to the polytron, which is a cathode-ray tube, in which the space charge from the cloud of “slow” electrons reacts to the torsion component, changing its wave and spatial characteristics, due to the occurrence of the corresponding vector-frequency interactions. This information is the output signal of the polytron, reflecting the torsion characteristics of the operator, the surrounding space and torsionally modulated radiation (the transmission of vector-frequency interactions by means of electromagnetic waves requires separate consideration, but it does not fundamentally differ from the considered “mechanical” model, since elastic forces are a consequence of electromagnetic interactions and vice versa).


This instant impact is in the background and, as it were, charges, or sets up, the studio and staff with the spirit of the Artist. The analysis and available data confirm that, despite the instantaneousness of the acting force, the total amplitude of such an effect or the vector-frequency charge largely depends on the exposure of the effect and the geometry of objects, since in a stochastic system it accumulates and disappears gradually (see below).


The next stage is the direct impact of the Contractor due to the vibrations of the medium he excites, and from the point of view of vector-frequency interactions it is not significant, this is done through his own vocal cords or through a mechanical, electromechanical or other physically connected system, if the induction condition * is fulfilled.


  • If a performer plays an instrument, he must have the ability to induce his charge into the instrument, which distinguishes talent from mediocrity, and a true qigong master and cook from an amateur. It is this phenomenon that leads to the need to “beat the instrument” in order for it to charge and become resonant, and the instrument itself can sometimes have an initial charge incompatible with the Performer.


Acoustic vibrations, in turn, from the point of view of vector-frequency interactions, will transfer to each point of the sounded space, along with the variable force of sound pressure, also a torsion component, which literally translates the physical and mental state of the Performer. Simultaneously, the reflected signals read and broadcast the state of the studio itself and all other participants in the recording or the “atmosphere” of the hall. The vector-frequency interaction transmitted by the acoustic wave will propagate at the speed of sound *, and, due to the natural frequency components, selectively amplify the resonance states corresponding to them. In what follows, this component will be called component B.


  • In vacuum (ether) there are also “elastic” waves similar to sound (it is more correct to call them metric or torsion waves), which can be quite simply generated, for example, in the form of a scalar electromagnetic field. (You can get it by the method of N. Tesla – “Zero point”, on a short-circuited transformer or by the method of G. Markov, RF patent No. 2086007 C1 6 G 10 K 11/00).


And finally, the last component * of the torsion interaction, which we will take into account here, is component C. Its essence boils down to the fact that the induced vector-frequency potential of type A and B gradually accumulates, charging surrounding objects and people (reorienting molecular gyroscopes) … After that, a charged (untwisted!) Object or person is a secondary source of vector-frequency potential and corresponding states.

  • In addition to the above, strictly speaking, there is also an infinite number of vector-frequency harmonics or components, and due to torsion effects, unlike ordinary frequency harmonics, they have a unique property to be distributed along the time axis due to a single world ensemble of torsions with a step multiple of the world cyclic frequencies … Therefore, torsion forces act both long before the occurrence of the phenomenon itself, and long after it. Thus, traces of a future “not yet realized” phenomenon can be found in the present. Moreover, there are no tricks with the “curvature” of time or violation of cause-and-effect relationships, it is just that in a torsionally connected Universe all events already have their prototype and are actualized as an archetypal element of the corresponding cycle. Where, fortunately, due to phase dispersion (for the solar system it averages 1.5% of the cycle), the future not as rigidly predetermined as in the deterministic Laplace World.
  • Figuratively speaking, all the jaws on the Wheel of History are already there, and their materialization occurs when these jaws come into contact with your own flywheel. And before that there are forerunners and “signs”, and after that there are phantoms or ghosts. By the way, experimentally a similar phenomenon is recorded not only in the experiments of the astronomer Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev (see on the Internet) with the detection of phantoms of the Stars, but also in the phenomenon of radio wave propagation, as an inexplicable ultra-long delay of echo signals.


So, let’s look at the recording path. From the above considerations, the following picture becomes obvious. The total torsional effect of the performer and the environment first pre-charges the microphone and all the equipment, and if the equipment’s own charge does not come into dissonance with the Performer, and the moment in time is also well chosen (vector-frequency effects of the Cosmos are favorable), then the recording went well. Acoustic vector-frequency influences come to the microphone, which, from the usual point of view, responds only to pressure changes and gives a function of voltage over time. However, at the same time, he naturally perceives the torsion component, which is transmitted mainly not in an electromagnetic form, but due to the forces of mechanical connection. Moreover, the torsion component will also quietly propagate through the wires due to elastic forces, bypassing all obstacles in the form of electronic nodes, and will be perfectly mechanically recorded on the carrier, fixing itself in its structure, as well as in the structure of the studio walls. Such a scheme is an idealized version of recording, which, under appropriate conditions, allows recording both the atmosphere of the hall and the state of the Performer. Obviously, in this regard, the best device for a full-fledged recording is the Edison phonograph.


In fact, the situation is far from ideal, since the modern process of signal transmission involves its multiple transformation, the creation of many secondary copies, and finally, recording in the form of pulses of a digital code. It can be shown that in this case it is not possible to get rid of the torsion component, and with a sufficient recording frequency band (dynamic “strength” of the support), the effect of presence (or involvement) can still take place, albeit in a considerably weakened form. From the point of view of acoustic and electrical signals, where only the magnitude of the force is considered, without taking into account its properties, the torsion component is superimposed on the signal as some component of periodically acting orthogonal forces leading to the rotation of the plane of polarization for spatial acoustic or electromagnetic waves, or as modulation of the signal phase with superposition of waves at the receiving point.


The fact that a stereo recording is able to partially reproduce the spatial configuration of the wave significantly improves the perception of vector-frequency components, but at the same time it is only an indirect method of enhancing the translation of states. Phase rotation and wave polarization itself, unless it is the result of torsion induction, is not an active force transmitting a torsion charge (it does not have enough “untwisted” elements and is not capable of causing corresponding modulations in the surrounding structures).


Let us consider the further process of transferring a torsion charge using the example of a sound reproduction chain, especially since this is relevant for the vast majority of Listeners. Let’s start with information carriers, here it is quite obvious that a mechanical recording on a vinyl record will be torsionally more informative than an analog magnetic recording and much more informative than a digital one. The mechanical imprint of a vinyl record, by definition, is much closer to the mechanical connection transmitting the vector-frequency potential, therefore, all other things being equal (the presence of a good source and favorable recording conditions), a much more powerful potential can be obtained from the record, broadcasting the state of the Artist and the atmosphere of the studio. In general, the rule will work: the fewer transformations on the path of the torsion signal that weaken and dissipate real connections, the better the vector-frequency potential will be transmitted. (From this point of view, complex multiple signal transformations in modern recording studios, while making a rather beautiful shell, destroy the content of the music.)


In principle, this rule does not give anything new, except for the emphasis on the desired mechanical or materialized connection between the Performer and the Listener. Hence one more conclusion: without the use of special measures for recording the torsion component, a live concert will be preferable to a recording, and a real performance, to songs with “plywood”. Hence also the banal conclusion that a photograph is more valuable than a photocopy, and a thing, torsionally charged by one, can accordingly affect the state and health of another. This means that if, along with the record, you will have things charged by the Performer in the appropriate state or objects sounded by in a concert, then almost, probably, the quality of sound reproduction will noticeably increase …


Now a few words about the Electronic Path. The quality of the torsion signal, along with its value, is significantly influenced by torsion distortions, which, like ordinary noise or distortion, can completely destroy useful information.


Unlike conventional distortions, torsional distortions are determined not so much by distortions in electrically active and nonlinear elements, but by the ability of these elements and the entire path to introduce their own vector-frequency potential, determined by the history or the presence of memory about the previously induced torsion charge and the current circumstances causing induction. new charges. Moreover, the mutual vector-frequency interference of these charges with the charge of the reproduced signal can again be disharmonious or harmonious.


Thus, a unit with the same electrical characteristics, for example an amplifier, can be successful if manufactured at the moment of harmonious cosmic torsion influences, or unsuccessful if the assembler had a “heavy hand”. It will sound great for one user, and extremely bad for another. Reproduce some genres or works and ignore others. After the intervention or tuning of one master, come to life, and after the intervention of another, turn into consumer goods. This also applies to everything else that is produced by man or has a beginning and end. Lucky and unlucky things, people and places are known.


Even more interesting in this vein are the effects when the replacement of an element with an element with a different torsion charge unrecognizably changes the character of the sound, although electronic devices cannot measure significant differences. This also applies to well-known phenomena associated with musical instruments, such as the phenomenon of Stradivarius violins. From the area of ​​torsion anomalies, there is the same effect when a device with obviously lower electrical characteristics “sounds” much better than technically more advanced analogs. Hence the need for a long “warm-up” of the equipment, when real sound can be obtained only after one or two weeks of intensive operation, or, in fact, after the stabilization of the total torsion charge of the Electronic Path, Place and Listener. All of the above phenomena are common practice for any professional sound engineer, musician or audiophile. And the fact that people are accustomed to this mysticism does not mean at all that such facts can be ignored or explained only by self-hypnosis. For people far from audio engineering, it is easy to demonstrate the presence of such effects by simply replacing wires on audio systems, when the sound can radically change depending on the physically yet unexplained properties of the wire, regardless of Ohm’s laws, scientific logic or instrument readings.


In conclusion, we note that from a practical point of view, in addition to all of the above, it is also necessary to take into account such torsion characteristics of electronic components and materials as the rate of accumulation of the torsion charge, the duration of the torsion memory, the intrinsic vector-frequency spectrum and the spatial configuration of devices and elements. For example, the value of the “memorized” torsion potentials is the highest for organic substances and crystals and the lowest for gases, amorphous metals and some liquids. Therefore, crystals of transistors color or “distort” the sound to the maximum extent, and metals with a small amount of impurities and oxides are more torsionally transparent. The date and method of manufacture, time and place of storage, mental state and potential of the designer are also important. Specific recommendations go far beyond the scope of this story, and, if desired, can be deduced from the provisions of the article. Moreover, they equally relate to a very wide range of issues, both the construction of technology and the visual arts or sexual relations …


A few words about electromechanical converters, in particular Microphone and Loudspeaker. Since they are key elements that physically perceive and emit the vector-frequency component, their torsion parameters and properties can become decisive. So, for example, for a microphone, the condition for maximum sensitivity to the vector-frequency component is the presence of, if possible, a large area of ​​the receiving surface. Accordingly, it is desirable to provide the required electrical parameters and radiation pattern. For both a loudspeaker and microphones, an important condition is the emission (perception) of a spherical bulk wave or wave, the front of which has orthogonal components. Hence, it is preferable that the active elements of the emitters and receivers are three-dimensional or multi-element and are located orthogonal.


In conclusion, a few words about the Listeners from the perspective of vector-frequency interactions. If, for some reason, the torsion component of type B is not large enough, the listener always has be able to tune in to components A and C, causing the corresponding resonance states. At the same time, it is possible to guarantee not just an instilled illusory feeling, but a completely full-fledged exchange, including the translation of physical interactions leading to medical consequences. By the way, everyone probably fell into a state of vector-frequency resonance, when, regardless of the quality of the sound source, an amazing palette of colors and nuances was revealed, with the induction of not only the states of the Performer, but also the primary source of torsion force, that vibrating somewhere in the depths of the Cosmos of the World, where did the inspiration come from to both the Performer and the Author. In the light of the above, the phenomenon of “destructor” becomes easily explainable, when, when listening to even a well-known piece, the appearance of a discordant listener completely blocks the perception. This also applies to other subtle perceptions.


Now a few words about the main thing. Since there is power, there must be a method for measuring it. Generally speaking, at the moment there is a fairly wide range of devices and processes that register vector-frequency interactions. Their development into a full-fledged measuring technique is hindered by a misunderstanding of the mechanism of action of torsion forces. The deviation of the voltmeter needle only makes sense when we know what the electrical circuit means and, accordingly, how to connect this voltmeter to it.


If the measurement of electricity began with the simplest galvanometer, then the measurement of torsion forces should begin with the simplest torsionometer, as one of the options of which, I propose a device developed by me deeply respected natural scientist, artist, professional entomologist Grebennikov Viktor Stepanovich (“My World” chapter 5, p. 197).


The design of the device is very simple. In a flask or jar with a height of at least 15 cm, it is necessary to place a thin rod of graphite (from a pencil) with a length of 4-5 cm, suspended on the finest nylon thread *. Instead of graphite, you can use a burnt twig, straw or pupa of an insect.


  • The original uses the web of the Cross Spider or the Mizumen crab spider.

You need to hang the rod not exactly in the middle, but with an inclination of 25-30 degrees to the horizon. To eliminate the action of static electricity, place a napkin moistened with water and preferably a polyethylene circle with markers applied with a felt-tip pen as a scale at the bottom of the flask. The plug (cover) with a thread attached to it must be sealed.


That’s the whole device. In order for them to measure the torsion potential of type A, it is enough to place the device in a sufficiently strong or focused “field”; to measure components B and C, it is necessary to provide a mechanical connection or direct the torsion current to the device, for example, by means of torsionally modulated acoustic or electromagnetic oscillations. Even a simple long-term observation of the device will soon reveal the periodically acting global vector-frequency potentials. (It should be noted that a massive sealed electromagnetic shield, like lead sheaths, does not interfere with measurements, since they are excellent conductors of vector-frequency interactions.)


Now about how it works. From all that has been said, it is obvious that the action of torsion forces leads to a violation of the average equilibrium of the moments of rotation of atoms and molecules. This, in turn, causes their precession relative to the suspension point and rotation of the graphite rod. That is, as in the experiment with a flywheel attached to a rod mentioned at the beginning of the article, the presence of a modulating moment of action instantly creates a force that rotates the entire system as a whole, and in this case, such a system should be understood as the surrounding World, including a graphite rod on a string.